EFS Hyperion Beta I game started.

A very good patch

Moderator: Matt Caspermeyer

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Re: EFS Hyperion Beta I game started.

Postby Looney » Fri May 14, 2004 7:21 pm

Hey all, My names Tim and I am taking control of Al-Malik.
Sorry my turn is taking so long, but this game is a real disaster!!!! :) (No wonder the last guy quit) In any case, I prefer I lot of diplomacy so feel free to email me at timothylooney@hotmail.com.

I have a couple of questions;
1. Who do I mail the turn to ( I know its LiHalen but what is the address?)
2. What are the house rules, specifically;
A. Can I take a loan from the league?
B. Can I sell maps?
C. Do I have to wait a turn between declaring war and landing troops on NPC planets?
D. What is the min/max of loyalty meddling I can do?
E. Can I destroy crates of goods in my cities to prevent capture?
F. Can I starve a city until catches the plague?

Also (unrelated to house rules)
Is this a really cutthroat game?
I'm screwed aren't I? :)
What are all your email addresses?
How quick is the average turn turnaround?

Some people think good graphics make a good game. Good people think good graphics only make a good game better.

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Re: EFS Hyperion Beta I game started.

Postby Oktebrina » Sat May 15, 2004 5:51 am

Hey buddy this is Kosoy,

I can sort of answer some of the unrelated game questions...
I think you are pretty screwed.
I dont think its very cutthroat at all,
I'm not sure about everyones address, mine is Sillykok@aol.com
and at one point during the game we had like 5 turns per week going...until we lost your predecessor.

Good luck


Matt Caspermeyer
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Re: EFS Hyperion Beta I game started.

Postby Matt Caspermeyer » Sun May 16, 2004 3:58 am

Hey, Tim, great to have you aboard!

Let me see if I can answer your questions...

Hey all, My names Tim and I am taking control of Al-Malik.
Sorry my turn is taking so long, but this game is a real disaster!!!! (No wonder the last guy quit) In any case, I prefer I lot of diplomacy so feel free to email me at timothylooney@hotmail.com.

I have a couple of questions;
1. Who do I mail the turn to ( I know its LiHalen but what is the address?)
2. What are the house rules, specifically;
A. Can I take a loan from the league?
Well, only if you pay it back! Honor rule.

B. Can I sell maps?
As many as you want - selling maps is encouraged in Hyperion games since you usually need some extra money to make ends meet.

C. Do I have to wait a turn between declaring war and landing troops on NPC planets?
No, the Corinthian galaxy is balanced such that if you find such a weakness you should exploit it. Be careful, though, of attacking and capturing expensive space ships if you can't afford them (I guess you can always disband them so that no one else can get them).

D. What is the min/max of loyalty meddling I can do?
You can go the full range so long as you don't change it multiple times during your turn.

E. Can I destroy crates of goods in my cities to prevent capture?
Do whatever you like, if you can sell them that would be better.

F. Can I starve a city until catches the plague?
No, you can't do that one.

Also (unrelated to house rules)
Is this a really cutthroat game?
I'm screwed aren't I?
Well, not really, but you certainly have a serious challenge ahead of you! al-Malik did some damage to Hawkwood before Hawkwood whomped on al-Malik, but I don't think your situation is unrecoverable.

If you want, I'll trade you Hazat.

What are all your email addresses?
How quick is the average turn turnaround?

I'll send you the email addresses in an email and then the game will get rolling again!

Feel free to ask lots of questions!


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Re: EFS Hyperion Beta I game started.

Postby Looney » Sun May 16, 2004 4:28 am

Thanks for the offer Matt. But, I think I'd rather enjoy a challenge!

Okay, I should send it out tommorrow.

Some people think good graphics make a good game. Good people think good graphics only make a good game better.

Matt Caspermeyer
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Re: EFS Hyperion Beta I game started.

Postby Matt Caspermeyer » Wed May 19, 2004 6:20 am

House Hazat Year 4968:

On Osquen, we are starting to establish a good base economy. There are a few straggler Rebel forces littered throughout the countryside, but we are hunting them down little by little.

On Schemadin, we are preparing to capture an Electronics Plant. We are also in dire need of a road system on the planet, and so will begin construction of an Engineer when we have available materials (hopefully in a few years).

On Mythos Gardon-Blaze's forces were utterly defeated by a stack of 1 Partisan and 8 Commandos (even with Battlemaster). :)

On Aragon, we have built an Arborium in a good location and so are beginning to wean ourselves off the League Agora Food supply. Hopefully in about 10-15 more years we'll be able to support ourselves without the League.

I did not see a reply about my request to Lord Kosoy about clearing the Rebels over Schemadin.

With my losses at Mythos, I have no remaining spacefleet, but have managed to spread to 3 planets and so I think for now we are going to have to be content with that.

Even with the losses this year, things are starting to look up for Hazat.


P.S. Tim, it is probably a good thing you didn't trade players with me - I am down to 2 Nobles - eek!

Matt Caspermeyer
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Re: EFS Hyperion Beta I game started.

Postby Matt Caspermeyer » Mon Aug 02, 2004 7:01 am

House al-Malik Year 4968

I find myself awaking after several years of insanity to find that my House is in ruins.

I am reduced to one planet, just Istahkr besides Byzantium II.

My forces on Quentran and Araindor are all gone. I have know idea what happened to them and no one in the Palace is talking about it - they are just happy to see me well again.

As for Istahkr, itself, it seems as if things are the way they were when I started ruling my House - not much progress has been made.

Nevertheless, I have attempted to regain that which has been lost and attempt to restore my people's faith in me.

We captured the Cyclotron district on Istakhr this year and so it looks like we may be back on track to gaining control of the planet.

I hope to be able to catch up with the other Houses, but they are far ahead of me.

A bewildered Lord Kunley - maybe insanity was better than this reality.


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Re: EFS Hyperion Beta I game started.

Postby RA » Tue Aug 03, 2004 1:45 am

Good morning Nobilissimus Lords! In Russia (in Far East region)now morning. I am new ruler of House Al-Malik (possible I will fifth and last lord). As you all know, my House in Stone Age. I have nothing and I am NEED help. Because Symbiots are not far and I have not army, fleet, money, and anything. I am sorry for my English, but I am also know what nobody in this forum know Russian. I am need peace with all Houses, and, possible, may be anybody helps for me money or/and protect me from symbiots. Because men, which played for my House - playing very Very VERY bad! Legue not give me loan and revolution is caming soon. Anybody! I am need peace and help!

<small>[ 03.08.2004, 03:24: Message edited by: Ruslan ]</small>

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Re: EFS Hyperion Beta I game started.

Postby RA » Wed Aug 11, 2004 8:19 am

Hello all! May be you make you turn faster if it possible? I wait new turn so long!

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