Transcript of First Meeting

all the talk around the remake

Moderator: Deathifier

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Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Transcript of First Meeting

Postby Deathifier » Wed Apr 03, 2002 4:46 am

The first meeting was held on the 1/3/2002 (or the 2/3/2002 depending where you live) and the following people were in attendance:


A edited (cleaned up) version of the log file will be posted in this thread, however until I get around to that you can view an unedited version at:

I have already taken some of the stuff off the top and bottom (that didn't relate to EFS), however if the people at the meeting could check I haven't rubbed anything important out it would be nice :)

Edit: URL Changed.

- Deathifier

<small>[ 12.07.2003, 18:12: Message edited by: Deathifier ]</small>

Posts: 344
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Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Re: Transcript of First Meeting

Postby Deathifier » Wed Apr 03, 2002 3:40 pm

Ok, it's ready to be posted.
There are references in it to SPOC, a game that Macroz is working on for his game development course. If you want more info go bug him about it :)

Ok some conventions used in the post:
{...} is a comment/clarification inserted by me.

<small>[ 03-04-2002, 15:56: Message edited by: Deathifier ]</small>

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Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Re: Transcript of First Meeting

Postby Deathifier » Wed Apr 03, 2002 4:25 pm

Ok well it doesn't want to post it, something about exceeding a max of 8 images (odd error) so I'll muck around with it some more tomorrow.

Locking thread until it's fixed.

Posts: 344
Joined: Thu May 24, 2001 1:01 am
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Re: Transcript of First Meeting

Postby Deathifier » Sat Jul 12, 2003 6:16 pm

Since it's turned out to be near-impossible to convince the forum software to post the log I've moved it to a more permanent home at:

It may change to a HTML page later if it remains easy to read, if not it'll stay in text only format.

Also unlocked the thread :)

- Deathifier

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