Postby Russell » Sun Jul 25, 2010 5:38 pm
There's three planets you might not want to count as 'normal', Leagueheim, Byzantium II, and Tethys. Tethys actually has no resource markers at all, kind of strange, as if they forgot to finish it. Leagueheim has 2 markers on it, Byzantium II with 5, since both are mega-city worlds. So I guess the decision was to make mega-city worlds fairly devoid of resources.
Another interesting stat is that 11 of the 40 historical planets do not have any gem markers, and 13 do not have any exotica markers. So if you do design a galaxy, make sure every planet isn't self sufficient (since if they could harvest every resource, you'd never have to transport resources to or from there).
I went ahead and did averages for the types of worlds in the historical galaxy. A few notes: I didn't include Tethys in the average, due to no markers. What I call "semi-frost" worlds are worlds that look frosty but are not actually the ice tileset, they use the normal tileset and are not generated in random galaxies as far as I can tell. They're extremely exotica rich. Red means it's significantly less than Garison's average, green means above. Didn't bother coloring any of the non-resources.
Keep in mind, these worlds were designed by hand, so the results from what the random generator produces might not reflect the same disparity.
Megacity: 2 - (Byzantium II, Leagueheim)
Fertile - 2.5
Exotica - 0.0
Energy - 0.0
Metal - 0.5
Trace - 0.5
Gems - 0.0
Ruins - 0.0
Alien Ruins - 0.0
Monastery - 0.0
Normal: 19 (Apshai, Aragon, Aylon, Bannockburn, Cadiz, Criticorum, Grail, Gwynneth, Holy Terra, Icon, Istakhr, Midian, Pandemonium, Pentateuch, Stigmata, Sutek, Tethys, Vau, Vera Cruz)
Fertile - 10.3
Exotica - 2.4
Energy - 7.2
Metal - 4.8
Trace - 4.0
Gems - 1.3
Ruins - 3.6
Alien Ruins - 0.9
Monastery - 0.4
Barren: 2 (Daishin, De Meloy)
Fertile - 1.0
Exotica - 0.0
Energy - 9.0
Metal - 3.5
Trace - 7.5
Gems - 2.0
Ruins - 4.5
Alien Ruins - 0.0
Monastery - 1.0
Desert: 5 (Cadavus, Kish, Nowhere, Pyre, Shaprut)
Fertile - 3.6
Exotica - 0.8
Energy - 7.0
Metal - 5.0
Trace - 8.2
Gems - 1.8
Ruins - 4.2
Alien Ruins - 0.6
Monastery - 1.0
Jungle: 4 (Chernobog, Leminkainen, Ravenna, Severus)
Fertile - 4.0
Exotica - 8.5
Energy - 6.5
Metal - 5.8
Trace - 2.3
Gems - 2.3
Ruins - 3.3
Alien Ruins - 1.3
Monastery - 0.8
Island: 3 (Absolution, Madoc, Vril-Ya)
Fertile - 9.7
Exotica - 1.3
Energy - 6.3
Metal - 3.3
Trace - 3.7
Gems - 1.3
Ruins - 2.7
Alien Ruins - 1.0
Monastery - 0.3
Frost: 2 (Delphi, Malignatius)
Fertile - 9.0
Exotica - 2.0
Energy - 1.0
Metal - 1.0
Trace - 1.0
Gems - 5.5
Ruins - 3.0
Alien Ruins - 0.5
Monastery - 0.5
Semi-frost: 3 (Artemis, Manitou, Rampart)
Fertile - 4.7
Exotica - 12.3
Energy - 6.0
Metal - 2.0
Trace - 2.3
Gems - 0.3
Ruins - 3.3
Alien Ruins - 0.3
Monastery - 1.3